The Unpleasant Truth: This Can Send you to Hell
Many individuals believe that salvation alone guarantees entry into heaven. But the teachings of Jesus shows how that's not true.
The Unpleasant Truth: This Can Send you to Hell
Ridiculous Faith
Handling Unanswered Prayers
What made Abraham so rich?
Say less
What Jesus taught
Dealing with Betrayal & Hurt
God's Words may hold deeper meaning
Do Your Actions Reflect Those of a Hypocrite?
What Type of Christian Are You?
It’s deeper than food: Exposing Ungodly Appetites
Maybe It's Your Mouth
The Price of Fame: Exchanging Fame Over God
What God Says Overrides Facts
Not all opportunities are good!
How To Use Wisdom To Solve Life's Challenges
God's Word Works
A REWARDING way to live!
Overcoming Jealousy in the Church
Dealing with a manipulator
Your destiny is in your mouth
How to endure tough times & people
Trust God the childlike way