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Here's How to Handle Difficult Situations

Updated: Aug 16, 2024

Like Esther, it is essential for us to have a clear understanding of the right actions to take and avoid in every area of our lives.

Life Lesson Learned From the Bible - The Book of Esther


Life is full of surprises, challenges, and having to make tough choices, and the danger of making the wrong choice can be detrimental.

We need to know what to do or what not to do in every area of our life. It can be difficult to determine what is the best choice for your life and the lives that you are responsible for— making it crucial to have good judgement.

So, how do we get wisdom to know what to do during challenging times? We get it from someone who already has this quality. The key lies in seeking guidance from individuals who already exhibit this trait.

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding” – Proverbs 2:6.

Seek wisdom instead of fear

Esther chapter 4-6 shows us why it is important to be patient and ask God for advice. When Esther was in a life and death situation, she did not use her own understanding or wisdom to figure out what to do, especially since her situation was a life and death complex and difficult one.

Her making a hasty rash decision or using her own intellect to figure out what to do, could have gotten her family and many people killed. It could have also eventually gotten her killed.

She also could have been selfish, since she was living a protected sheltered life as a queen and could have decided to do nothing. But Esther made a wise decision, she humbled herself and fasted so she could know the best way to deal with the situation she was in (Esther 4:15-16).

Esther faced a challenging circumstance where her people and family faced the threat of annihilation due to Haman's anger towards her cousin Mordecai's refusal to show him respect. However, Esther realized that the battle was not hers to fight, but rather belonged to God, so she sought God's help to overcome her difficult situation (2 Chronicles 20:15).

With God you do not have to fight our battles, but instead stand firm and watch God deliver you (2 Chronicles 20:17).

During the times of Kingdom's, the position that Haman was in, being second in command to the King, authorize him to do anything he wanted if he got the Kings approval. Unfortunately, Haman was unaware that his desires extended to the extermination of the Queen's family. Still, Esther had to be prudent with how she would handle this difficult, deadly situation.

As you read Esther's story, the result of her consulting God changed the course of not only her own life, but also that of her family and nation (Esther 5:9-15).

King David was also successful in life because before he did anything he consulted God first (2 Samuel 2:1, 2 Samuel 5:19-20, 2 Samuel 5:23-25). Even when his life was in danger and was tempted to act on his own will, he asked God for advice instead of acting on emotions or instinct.

His trust in God being able to give him the best solution, outweighed his predicament (1 Samuel 30:6). By doing this David always knew what to do and it made him greatly successful (1 Samuel 30:1-8, 2 Samuel 5:10).

When you consult God and trust Him, you not only see results, but you will be rewarded (Colossians 3:23-24).

From the book of Esther, we can draw two important lessons. The first one is to be careful with how you treat people because you never know who they are connected to, what they might become, or who they are (Esther 6).

Mordecai was Queen Esther's cousin who he adopted when her father and mother died. Since Esther did not reveal her nationality and family background, Haman did not know that Esther and Mordecai were related (Esther 2:10). So, when Haman made a request that all the Jews be murdered because he hated Mordecai for not honoring him, Haman did not know what he wanted consisted of killing Queen Esther's cousin and people.

The second lesson highlights the importance of trusting in God rather than relying solely on our own understanding, as God will intervene and solve our problems for us.

The root of Haman's problem

The dishonor that Mordecai shown Haman rubbed him the wrong way. It angered and annoyed Haman so much that it enraged him (Esther 5:9).

Although Haman had been elevated above all the other aristocrats by King Xerxes and possessed everything, he was troubled by the fact that one man did not bow down and honor him (Esther 3:1-2, 5:9-13).

While in a discussion with his wife and friends, they suggested to Haman to kill Mordecai. Haman loved the idea and took action (Esther 5:14).

Seeking King Xerxes' approval to carry out his plan to kill Mordecai, Haman was unaware that God had a different plan. God influenced King Xerxes to honor Mordecai for uncovering a conspiracy that threatened the king's life (Esther 2:21-23).

So, when King Xerxes ask Haman what we should do to honor a man that he wanted to acclaim, Haman assumed it was about himself and proceeded to advise the King on what should be done (Esther 6:6-14, 7:1). Little did Haman know that his suggestions were actually for Mordecai, not himself.

Allow God to intervene

If you let God step in, He will take care of your problems for you (2 Chronicles 20:12). God has the power to turn around any situation.

He says,

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." —Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

Ultimately, the dire situation faced by Esther and her family was completely turned around, leading to the demise of Haman and his family, who had planned to annihilate Esther's family and people (Esther 9:24-25). Check out the ending of Esther’s story here.

By entrusting God with the matter, Esther saved Mordecai's life, safeguarded the Jewish nation, and prevented potential harm to herself because of her nationality.

No one can stand against God because if you try, it will become your downfall (Esther 7). Unfortunately, there are many people like Haman who are clueless that their actions are against God or God's people and end up ruining their lives.

God did not just prevent the death of Mordecai and stop there, he also changed Mordecai's life and destiny (Esther 10:3).

When God is involved in your life, He not only resolves issues but also has a way of providing double blessings for your troubles (Zechariah 9:12). In other words, He doesn't just shield you, prevent a situation, or solve the problem; He surpasses that by orchestrating multiple favorable outcomes without your request. This is part of His grace, mercy, and love.

“Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you — Proverbs 4:6.

When we put our trust in God and get His advice and direction on what to do during our difficult moments, we will triumph, overcome, and experience success.

Do you want to start making the right choice when in a difficult situation? All you have to do is make the choice of salvation and accept Jesus into your life by confessing that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that He came from Heaven to die for your sins (Romans 10:9).

When you confess and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life, you will establish a relationship where can now have His guidance for your life to ensure answers, protection, and success.

Here's a prayer you can repeat:

"Jesus, I confess that you are Lord, and I believe you died and was risen for my sins. I repent and ask for forgiveness of my sins, and I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior. Come into my heart and remove my sins. Thank you for forgiving me and making me into a new person in Jesus' name, Amen."

Once you have done this, please pray and ask God to guide you to a ministry where you can grow and start living the abundant life Jesus promised and died for.

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SEO Keywords: Challenges, Problems, Difficult, Wisdom

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