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Feeling Worried? Here's What to Do

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

God assured us a unique life, ensuring that we can live without worry regardless of the challenges we face.

From Series: Life Lessons Learned From the Bible


Free yourself from worry by living in the promises of God.

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken—Psalm 55:22.

God assured that if you cast all your worries: your anxieties, troubles, concerns, uneasiness, hardships, tribulations, sufferings, pains, sorrows, misery, and responsibilities—whatever is troubling you—over to Him, He will handle them for you.

He prefers that you don't hold on to them, trying to figure out what to do. Rather, He wants you to immediately let go of them by giving them to Him.

God wants us to not be anxious about anything but instead in humility and gratitude speak to Him about our concerns (Philippians 4:6).

When you do this, here is what God will do, He will sustain you. He will uphold you, carry your burdens, and take care of your worries and problems. While He takes charge of these matters, He will uplift you, assist you, be your pillar of strength, and empower you to persevere, all while granting you peace and joy.

God will never let you remain shaken up, upset, disturbed, worried, frightened, alarmed, or dismayed. What He will do is put your mind at ease by removing fear and concern.

However, this promise comes with one stipulation and that is to trust Him to take care of your situations.

God has numerous promises for us, but in order for those promises to manifest in your life, you must have faith in Him. What God declares already exists, you simply need to have faith that it exists to receive them.

By trusting in God, you will witness the incredible things He can do for you. Keep in mind that our Creator is supremely powerful, and there is nothing too difficult for Him to accomplish (Jeremiah 32:27).

Do You Have Trust Issues?

Having trust is essential for receiving God's assistance in any circumstance, and cultivating this trust requires intentional and purposeful effort until it becomes natural to you.

Each challenge you conquer, which may cause you to doubt God, ultimately strengthens your reliance on Him. Reflecting on the obstacles meant to defeat you but witnessing God's deliverance is a testament to His power.

Intentionally putting your trust in God will demonstrate in your life that He is trustworthy. While trusting may be challenging for some individuals, relying on a dependable source like God will ultimately be rewarding.

According to The NIV Study Bible, 10th Anniversary Edition, the opposite of anxiety, it is the tranquility that comes when the believer commits all their cares to God in prayer and worries about them no more. The full dimensions of God's love and care are beyond human comprehension (Ephesians 3:18-20).

As you grow in faith in God you will learn to be content no matter the circumstance (Philippians 4:11).

Why are the promises of God important in our lives?

They are essential for us to uphold and stand firm when we encounter difficulties.

God's promises are guarantees that will happen to us if we believe and obey. These are promises that are given to us that make us live a life of total bliss and freedom. As a result, we should avoid reacting or behaving like others, as we have assurances for our lives and future.

These promises are available to all who are children of God, and God also provides individualized promises that are tailored specifically for you. As you develop a relationship with God, you will come to understand those personalized promises.

In Philippians 4:8 Paul understood the influence of our thoughts on our lives, and when you worry it will ultimately affect your thinking, behavior, and life. Therefore, knowing God's promises will help you know what to do anytime you become worried.

Being consumed by worry can have a detrimental impact on your mental and physical well-being. However, you can find solace in turning to Jesus, who can grant you peace and release you from the burden of worry.

"Come to me, all you who are weary ( tired ) and burdened ( troubled, worried ), and I will give you rest ( peace, relaxation, take the burden off, relieve from something that causes anxiety and stress ). Take my yoke upon you ( take what I give you instead ) and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls ( mind, emotions, emotional wholeness ). For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"—Matthew 11:28-30.

Throughout Scriptures, the promises of God for a better life are abundant. Take a moment today to open your Bible and discover what blessings God has in store for you!

Here's what to read next - Trust God the childlike way

Do you want a life where all your problems, issues, and concerns are handled for you? All you have to do is make the choice of salvation by repenting and accepting Jesus into your life by confessing that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that He came from Heaven to die for your sins (Romans 10:9).

This decision gives God permission to come into your life where you can now have all that He promised.

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