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When God says NO

Updated: Jan 23

When God denies our requests, it is actually for our own good, as everything He asks us to do is meant to benefit us, not just Himself. This is a reflection of His selfless love (John 15:13).

"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."

— Psalm 84:11(NIV)

Some of us are furious because of the no's we have gotten in life, not realizing that the no was exactly what we needed. Sometimes what we think God has said no to, He's actually saying not yet.

Numerous individuals have greatly profited from experiencing denials, rejections, or refusals. For example, you might have sought a job at your current company or elsewhere, only to be passed over for someone else. However, it may be that God had other plans for you, like knowing that a pandemic would arise, leading you to work remotely and enabling you to pursue your entrepreneurial aspirations.

Had you not had the freedom and time, you might not have been able to chase your dreams. Moreover, securing the desired job could have resulted in unemployment, causing worry and stress instead of being employed, content, and in a more favorable position.

Every command given by God is intended for our benefit, not His. He is self-sufficient as God and does not require anything from us. Instead, He is the one to whom we can cast all our needs, problems, worries, and anxieties, and the one to whom we can present our requests (1 Peter 5:7, Philippians 4:6). He is also the one we turn to for support, solutions, and empowerment when we are feeling weak or lacking (Philippians 4:13).

Thus, His refusals are not meant to deprive you of anything, but rather to shield you from potential harm and prevent your life from being ruined.

God orchestrates events and acts for our benefit (Romans 8:28) Consider sin. Sin poses a barrier, which is why God cautions us about it extensively. His intention is not to spoil the enjoyment or restrict our pleasure, but rather to highlight the repercussions of sin.

God guides us with His light

We have all experienced moments when a poor decision we made resulted in harm, damage, or hurt, not only to ourselves but also to others. This is the nature of sin, leading us to be enticed into making negative choices. Sin acts as a snare, and if we disregard God's guidance, we may find ourselves ensnared.

God's role in our lives is to guide us as a light so that we do not have to make these decisions. He is pure light, and there is no darkness in Him (1 John 1:5).

Having light enables visibility, while darkness hinders it. Lack of visibility increases the likelihood of stumbling and making poor decisions. Stumbling occurs due to the inability to foresee what lies ahead, potentially leading to unwittingly falling into traps.

Identified as the good shepherd, the light of Jesus guides His sheep in the correct direction (John 10:11,14). However, we are given the freedom to decide. We must either permit God to lead us or take the lead ourselves.

Therefore, God's instruction to not sin is intended to shield us from the pitfalls that sin, poor decisions, or ignorance can lead us into.

When God says no it is because He loves you!

While our motives or intentions may be rooted in selfishness or ignorance, God's motives are based on love and wisdom (Romans 8:28, Palms 5:12, Ephesians 3:20)

Just as a parent desires their child to be safe, protected, and make wise decisions, God also desires the same for us. Similar to how parents understand that it is not beneficial for children to always get what they want, it is also beneficial for us not to always get what we desire.

It's not that our desires won't come to fruition, but certain things need to be postponed as they may begin to take over our attention, which should be centered on Jesus. If we're not cautious, our careers, skills, interests, or pastimes can draw us away from God. The adversary is cunning and will utilize any means to divert our focus from God.

As individuals who have accepted Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, we are considered His children. Just as our earthly parents do, God, who is wise, takes care of our lives (John 1:12).

The Bible is a rich source of stories where individuals faced decisions regarding following or disobeying God's guidance. Despite being told "no" by God, some individuals in the Bible chose to act against His will. Their stories serve as cautionary tales, illustrating the consequences of disobedience and the importance of aligning one's actions with divine instructions.

On the other hand, there are also inspiring accounts of those who listened attentively to God's words and followed them faithfully. These individuals gained profound insights into the blessings and protection that come from obedience to God's will.

Through these contrasting narratives, the Bible provides valuable lessons on the significance of heeding to God's guidance and the outcomes of disregarding it.

Reflecting on our own experiences, we can recall instances where we disobeyed God and felt remorseful about it. Similarly, we are aware of individuals who have faced regret for disregarding God's instructions. While it may be challenging, the potential consequences of ignoring God's instructions outweigh the difficulty of following them.

Obedience has rewards (Genesis 22:15-17). If there's any motivation to be obedient to God, in addition to recognizing His authority and deserving our reverence, is the reward behind it.

I’m not encouraging obedience solely for the sake of receiving rewards from God. We should obey God simply because He’s God and deserves our reverence. However, it is undeniable that obedience to God is often accompanied by rewards. This can serve as an additional source of motivation, especially when we are asked to do a hard task for God like Abraham when he was instructed to sacrifice his only son.

Abraham promptly followed God's instructions without any hesitation, delay, or excuses. In response, God made a solemn promise by swearing by Himself to greatly increase Abraham's descendants, as numerous as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the seashore. And through his lineage Christ will be born, all because Abraham listened and obey what God told him.

When obedience to God becomes a habit, it becomes easier to do despite how extremely difficult the situation may be.

We love to confess the Word of God by saying, “My steps are ordered of the Lord” (Psalm 37:23 KJV) — until He takes us someplace we don’t want to go. Then all of a sudden it’s, “I rebuke you, Satan!” What we don’t realize is, God may be taking us right into the middle of a traffic jam to keep us from having a terrible wreck farther down the road. An excerpt From Be Anxious for Nothing by Joyce Meyer.

You can trust God to lead you in the right direction in life. Trust is the key for God to help you in any situation, and it requires intentional and purposeful effort until it becomes a natural part of your being.

You may have had doors closed or opportunities pass you by, but that closed door is a sign of God's mercy (Revelation 3:7).

God knows what is best for us and why He directs our steps in life and delights in every detail of our lives (Psalm 37:23). What God wants and is doing is leading you down paths in life that are best for you.

Trusting God can be challenging for some, but if you put your trust in Him, you will never be let down (1 Peter 2:6).

There is a Proverbs that says, “whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom (in this case with God) will be delivered (saved or rescued from disappointment).”

God desires for you to experience joy, peace, and fulfillment, and to no longer feel a sense of emptiness. He envisions a life where you are fulfilling your purpose, making an impact, and creating positive change for yourself and those around you. His ultimate goal is for you to reflect on your life with pride and to live the abundant life He has promised (John 10:10).

So remember, when God says no, it is actually for your benefit!

Here's what to read next - Not all opportunities are good!

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One last thing...

If you've found this blog valuable, please remember to share it on social media below. Sharing is a free way to share the Gospel and to let everyone know  what they are missing out on if they are not living life with God.

Do you want to be at peace even when God says no? All you have to do is make the choice of salvation by repenting and accepting Jesus into your life by confessing that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that He came from Heaven to die for your sins (Romans 10:9). This decision will allow God to help you to live a life of peace regardless of what direction life takes you.

Here's a Prayer that you can pray to get saved:

Jesus, I confess that you are Lord, and I believe in my heart that you died and were risen for my sins. I ask for forgiveness of my sins, and I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior—in Jesus' name, Amen.

After this step, pray for guidance to find a ministry where you can grow spiritually, gain knowledge about the kingdom, and begin living the abundant life promised by Jesus.

When you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, you can now begin a life full of joy and happiness, and experience His amazing grace.

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Heather Edmund

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