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Overcoming Jealousy in the Church

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

A house divided will fall! Jealousy is a trap designed to divide us.

A house divided, whether in a physical or spiritual sense, is prone to falling apart because of internal conflicts. Jealousy obscures people's vision of others' strengths, shifting attention away from shared objectives.

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The adversary will sway you to experience emotions and thoughts that are irrational but can be powerful if you follow them.

As members of Christ's family, we each have specific roles to fulfill, but jealousy can impede our progress.

Each individual has a distinct role to play. Yet, when jealousy intervenes, it hinders others from performing their duties and disrupts the proper functioning of the house (family) of Christ.

Hebrews 3:4-5 states that Jesus is the builder of God's house, and through Him, all things were made (Colossians 1:16). We are invited to be faithful servants of Jesus in His house.

Being faithful entails committing to the responsibilities God has assigned to you. It also includes acknowledging the importance of other household members carrying out their divine roles. So, how can you feel envious of someone you should be working together with?

In the family of Jesus Christ, we are not meant to go solo. Collaboration is key, as we are more powerful when united than when divided.

God has truly made us His own children by adopting us through our faith in Christ (Romans 8:15). The idea that believers in Christ are united as a family, is important to the Christian faith. None of us are isolated.

Have the attitude of Christ

"Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too." (Philippians 2:1-4 NLT)

For any organization to be effective it needs teamwork, and for the household of God to be effective it needs teamwork too.

It is important to encourage, collaborate, and assist one another. However, giving in to jealousy means playing into the enemy's hands. By doing so, you may unknowingly hinder, postpone, or interfere with God's divine plan.

Satan exploits our weaknesses such as pride and insecurity to prevent us from recognizing how God utilizes each of us for His purpose. Yet, when you let God lead you, it can prevent your emotions from getting in the way. Even though we are individuals, we all have a purpose, design, and blueprint that enable us to improve one another.

Sin is deceitful and being jealous is considered a sinful act (Hebrews 3:13). Furthermore, jealousy is not only sinful but also unproductive. Proverbs 27:4 (NLT) cautions us about the perils of jealousy, stating, "Anger is cruel, and wrath is like a flood, but jealousy is even more dangerous."

Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives and no longer be jealous of each other (Galatians 5:25-26).

Having knowledge of the Scriptures will allow you to know the characteristics and the nature of God. You'll see that God is kind, gentle, forgiving, patient, understanding, merciful, faithful, and loving—not jealous.

Unchecked jealousy evolves into envy, potentially becoming dangerous. If someone harbors jealousy towards you and fails to confront this internal issue, you become their target. They begin attacking by spreading gossip and lies, aiming to damage your reputation and more. They have essentially become a murderer with their words by assassinating your character.

It's paramount that we become aware of Satan's schemes sso he can no longer introduce thoughts and emotions that harm the household of God.

Discover what God expects from you and carry it out with excellence. As you pursue your purpose, ensure you offer support and encouragement to other members of the family of Christ.

When we see our own family members creating pathways to success, we're proud. How much prouder should we feel within the family of Christ?

Instead of competition, let's focus on supporting each other, and rather than criticizing, let's celebrate the achievements that God has enabled us to accomplish.

Let’s set aside our differences to achieve greater objectives, and by doing so, we will transform the world. We will demonstrate to the world the impact when the family of Christ comes together in unity and fellowship, showcasing the strength of solidarity.

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain (Psalm 127:1). Unless God is the one building us, we labor in vain and unless he’s the watching us our guard is in vain. God is the one who builds us and he uses the body of Christ to do it. He set it up in such a way that for you to have all that you need, we need each other to get it. We need each other to make us wholesome. The breaking of the bread God broke pieces off and gave it to each disciple but not one person had the whole bread.

Unless the Lord constructs the house, the builders work in vain. Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps vigil in vain (Psalm 127:1).

If God is not the one building us, our efforts are futile, and if He is not watching over us, our protection is pointless.

God is the one who builds us, utilizing the body of Christ to achieve this. He designed it so that to acquire everything we need, we must rely on each other. We need one another to become complete.

When Jesus was breaking the bread, He distributed pieces to each disciple, but no single person received the entire loaf.

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One last thing...

If you've found this blog valuable, please remember to share it on social media below. Sharing is a free way to share the Gospel and to let everyone know that just as God the Father and God the Son are united, we are also united with God. This must be recognized and visible so that the world will believe that God the Father sent HimJesus Christ (John 17:21-22).

Here's what to read next:

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A call for salvation 

When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, His spirit will become one with yours. This is one of the greatest blessings of salvation. You don't have to go through someone else to get to God, as you and Him are now one.

All you must do is receive salvation, simply choosing to repent of your sins and welcome Jesus into your life by confessing Him as Lord. In Romans 10:9 Paul said, "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord  and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Here's a Prayer that you can pray to get saved:

Jesus, I confess that you are Lord, and I believe in my heart that you died and were risen for my sins. I ask for forgiveness of my sins, and I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior—in Jesus' name, Amen.

After this step, pray for guidance to find a ministry where you can grow spiritually, gain knowledge about the kingdom, and begin living the abundant life promised by Jesus.

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